How to Feel Calm and Prepared on Test Day
Passing your certification exams is an important goal. You want to be sure you are confident and ready on the day of your test. There are a number of ways to make sure you are prepared and ready to apply the knowledge you have mastered through your preparation on your certification test!
Certification Tests
Teacher certification tests were designed by practicing educators to measure the content required to be successful in the classroom. Your state has adopted these tests and identified a passing score to make sure that new teachers are prepared to enter the classroom and positively impact student knowledge and development.
We understand that these tests can be challenging! Passage Preparation™ provides you with the engaging, high-quality courses you need to show your content and pedagogical knowledge on the day of your test. Our courses provide opportunities to engage with content directly aligned to the standards covered on your certification exam, as well as practice tests which you can take as many times as necessary to feel confident on the day of your test.
You will see new items each time you take your practice test. This way, you can be sure you’re not just memorizing test questions – you are actually mastering the content! We also include checks for understanding and quizzes along the way so you can be sure you are applying your knowledge in as many ways as possible to show what you know on the day of your test.
Read on to learn more about how you can feel prepared and confident on test day!
It may be difficult to do before the day of your test, but get plenty of rest. If you are well-rested you will remember those Key Takeaways and helpful graphics from your Passage Preparation™ course. If you plan ahead, you will have plenty of time to study and prepare for your test. You won’t have to worry about cramming the night before. You’ll be ready to use all of the knowledge you’ve gained while preparing for your test!
Eat Well
As educators we always tell our students or children to eat a good breakfast the day of a big test. The same applies to you! Make sure you nourish yourself with foods that fuel your body and mind. Just like an athlete needs the right nutrition to perform, your brain needs the correct balance of nutrition to perform on test day. This formula may be different for everyone. In general you should include a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. While you may be tempted fuel up with caffeine, eating well is a great way to make sure you’re ready!
Review Your Study Materials
You’ve put in the time to study with Passage Preparation™. You’ve planned your study based on your Diagnostic Test, you’ve worked through the content, Checks for Understanding, and Quizzes. You’ve taken the Practice Test as many times as you need to feel ready for the test. Now, you can review your Passage Preparation™ course content at a high level. Focuse on those Key Takeaways, graphics, and highlighted terms so you can recall them while you’re responding to test questions.
Many certification tests, such as Praxis exams, include constructed response items. Review the constructed response module in your Passage Preparation™ course. You will remember what to include in your constructed response to hit your target score. But remember, you have already put in the time to prepare for your teacher licensure test. With this preparation, you can feel confident that you are ready to respond to those constructed response items.
Understand How Your Test is Structured and How to Approach Each Item
Each Passage Preparation™ course includes a section that provides you with test-taking tips and tricks for your certification test. Some of the most important are:
- Never skip an item! Your score is based on how many items you answer correctly, and you are not penalized for answering a question incorrectly. So, if you leave a question unanswered, you are leaving possible points on the table. Even if you have to guess, you have at least a 25% chance of getting a multiple-choice item correct and adding points to your score.
- Narrow down your answer choices. There are usually two answer choices for a multiple-choice question that are obviously incorrect. That leaves a distractor and the correct answer. Use the knowledge you have gained through your preparation and study to choose the correct answer.
- For constructed-response questions, make sure you read the prompt carefully. Use key terms that are included in the prompt in your answer. Remember the rubric and scoring criteria you learned about in your Passage Preparation™ course. Outline your response, fill in with details, and leave enough time to go back and edit.
There is a reason that all Passage Preparation™ courses remind you to breathe while preparing for and taking your certification exams. Deep breathing relaxes the mind. It allows you to think clearly. You are able to recall all of the in-depth information you have learned through your preparation and study. It relaxes the body and brain and allows you to perform at your highest level. We even encourage our students to practice breathing techniques when taking an exam. Allowing stress to creep in may cause you to panic and forget what you have learned and studied. Remember, you have done your best to prepare. You have used the most in-depth study materials out there. Remaining calm and centered now will help you be your best.
Finally, Remember Your “Why” on the Day of Your Test
Why are you studying for this test? It’s because you want to positively impact students in your state. You want to show that you have the knowledge and skills to do so. Educators from Tennessee and Virginia have shared why they took on the challenge of teacher certification. Each teacher has their own reasons for entering the teaching profession, but there are many common themes.
Many teachers want to:
- Positively impact students’ lives
- Engage in their community
- Collaborate with other teachers, leaders, and families
- Enjoy a fulfilling career in diverse settings
Remembering your “why” will allow you to use the tips and tricks above to remain focused and apply your knowledge. This is your moment!