Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA): Reading (091)

From: $10.00 / month

The purpose of this course is to prepare you for success on the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment: Reading (091) test. Credentialing tests can be rigorous. This course is designed to help you understand what you are expected to know and to grow your confidence as you prepare.


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Course Modules

  • MODULE 1
  • Test Information, Diagnostic Test, & Study Tips
  • MODULE 2
  • Understand the Meaning of Words & Phrases
  • MODULE 3
  • Main Idea & Supporting Details
  • MODULE 4
  • Relationships Among Ideas in Written Material
  • MODULE 5
  • Critical Reasoning Skills
  • MODULE 6
  • Strategies for Information Presented in Graphic Form
  • MODULE 7
  • Practice Tests
  • MODULE 8
  • Feedback

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