I have worked in the educator preparation and licensure space for over 20 years. First as a representative of a state education agency charged with establishing and enforcing standards for the preparation and certification of education personnel and then as an employee of companies creating and delivering assessments of those standards. During that time, my fundamental belief that states have the legal and moral responsibility to establish and uphold high standards for entry into the education profession has only strengthened.
Our children deserve it.
I also believe that everyone with a passion to teach should be supported in their journey toward the professional license. That means individuals with the knowledge and skills to become a teacher should be provided the support necessary to demonstrate their readiness.
You deserve it.
Too often, teacher candidates believe educator licensure assessments are too high of a bar, don’t understand what is expected of them on these tests, or simply lack the confidence to be successful. The result of poor success rates on these tests is unstaffed classrooms and unfulfilled dreams of becoming a teacher.
Low passing rates also trigger political reactions to remove or reduce standards for entry into the profession in an effort to expand staffing pipelines. No one wins when that happens.
Our goal at Passage Preparation is to change that.
We are launching Passage Preparation to deliver high-quality, approachable preparation courses to assist candidates in successful completion of educator licensure assessments. We support candidates in their journey toward the professional license by providing direct support to individuals and partnering with educator preparation programs (EPPs), schools, and school districts to help build a robust, diverse, and qualified pipeline of educators.
If you want to become a teacher or work with those who do, join the growing group of aspiring teachers choosing Passage Preparation as their trusted resource in providing knowledge and instilling confidence in teacher candidates. Whether you are starting the journey today or have been studying for your exam for months, today is the best day to start with Passage Preparation.