Passage Preparation™ offers courses aligned to Praxis® Earth and Space Science Tests (5571 and 5572).
What is Earth & Space Science?
Earth and Space Science is a field that includes multiple topics. These include:
- Geology
- Lab Safety and Design
- Tectonics
- Earth’s Processes
- Astronomy
What do the Praxis® Earth & Space Science Tests Cover?
ETS administers the Praxis® Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) and Earth and Space Science (5572) to assess your knowledge of key principles, such as matter, the scientific method, and lab procedures. They also test your understanding of concepts related to plate tectonics and geology, Earth’s processes such as hydrosphere and atmosphere, and astrology. Additionally, these tests assess your understanding of science pedagogy and classroom assessment.
Praxis® Earth & Space Science Test Structure
These tests consist of 125 multiple-choice questions. You have two hours to complete your test, and you will take this test in a computer-delivered format. ETS scores these certification exams on a scale, and each state determines the passing score. Passage Preparation courses provide you with content aligned to the test standards and practice tests. Moreover, we provide study and test-taking strategies so that you can prepare for success on your certification test.
Which States Require Praxis® Earth & Space Science Tests?
Your state may require one of two Praxis tests in this area (5571 or 5572). Click on the state in which you are preparing to become certified to access the Passage Preparation course for your required certification test.
How Do Passage Preparation™ Courses Help With Preparing for the Praxis® Earth and Space Science Tests?
Passage Preparation courses are designed by experienced educators for educators. Our courses include in-depth content aligned to your certification tests. Additionally, they include practice tests with hundreds of items so you can practice your mastery of the content rather than just memorizing a list of items. We also include Key Takeaways which help you recall information quickly on test day. Finally, we include Checks for Understanding which allow you to interact with the content in ways above and beyond multiple choice quizzes or flashcards. We offer all of this at an affordable price. This sets us apart from other test preparation offerings.
Are There Additional Courses Coming?
Yes! Passage Preparation is adding new courses all the time. You can check our website and browse by exam to find the Passage Preparation course(s) you need. The following Praxis courses are coming soon:
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Learn More
Candidates, teachers, districts, and educator preparation programs can visit www.passprepproduc.wpenginepowered.com to learn more!