The TExES™ Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (190) Spanish: BTLPT is a rigorous, albeit important test for bilingual teacher certification in Texas. Even so, Passage Preparation™ has you covered with our high-quality, interactive course to help you prepare for success!
What is the TExES BTLPT Test?
The TExES BTLPT (Spanish) test is a teacher certification test for those who wish to teach bilingual students, specifically Spanish-speaking bilingual students, in Texas. It includes 84 selected-response questions and 7 constructed-response questions. While you may have taken certification tests that required both items types before, this test is unique because the items included require you to listen to passages, construct written responses, and read passages with aligned questions.
BTLPT Item Types
Listening Comprehension Questions | Oral Expression Constructed Response | Reading Comprehension Questions | Written Expression Constructed Response |
For these items, you will listen to sample audio clips and respond to selected0response items aligned to these audio clips. Each clip will be played twice. The audio will begin automatically and you cannot pause or rewind. You then have 40 seconds to preview the questions before listening to the audio a second time. You then respond to the four associated questions. You have 20 seconds to respond to each item. |
In this section of the exam, you are presented with scenarios including simulated conversation, question and answer, oral presentation, and supporting a position/opinion. This section lasts approximately 20 minutes. Once you read the prompt, you speak in the target language to appropriately respond to the item. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible in the time allotted. |
In this section, you will respond to items that are aligned to a passage presented to you in the target language. This section assesses your ability to understand what you read and respond accordingly. You have 70 minutes to complete this section. Be sure to read carefully, and flag any items for which you are not sure of the answer; you can return to them as long as you still have time. |
This section is also 70 minutes long. You must respond in writing to three types of prompts: 1) response to a memo, letter, or email 2) provide a lesson plan 3) write an opinion/position essay |
This is a Computer Administered Test (CAT) and you have five hours to complete the exam. The test is based on four domains. Click on the domains below to learn more about the competencies assessed under each domain.
Domain I: Listening Comprehension
Competency 001—The teacher demonstrates the ability to apply literal, inferential and interpretive listening skills to authentic materials heard in the target language that are relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.
Domain II: Reading Comprehension
Competency 002—The teacher demonstrates the ability to apply literal, inferential, interpretive and critical reading skills to authentic materials written in the target language that are relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.
Domain III: Oral Expression
Competency 003—The teacher demonstrates the ability to construct effective and appropriate oral discourse in the target language for various audiences, purposes and occasions relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.
Domain IV: Written Expression
Competency 004—The teacher demonstrates the ability to write effectively in the target language for various audiences, purposes and occasions relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.
BTLPT Registration and Exam Policies
To register for the BTLPT, create an account with the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program. Registration costs $116. You can then locate a testing site through the Texas Educator Certification Exam website. This test is offered in two-week increments throughout the year, with score reporting available by 10:00 PM Central Time within 28 days of your test date. Finally, the passing score for this test is 240.
How to Prepare
Overall, there are some strategies you can use to help you prepare for this test. Passage Preparation’s courses include not only in-depth, high-quality content, but also assessments to help you master the content covered on your TExES exam. Likewise, Passage Preparation courses help you practice responding to items structured like those on your test.
It is important to understand how your course aligns to the competencies measured on the test. The image below illustrates the alignment between the Passage Preparation BTLPT course modules and the content categories covered on the test.
Our courses include a diagnostic assessment in order to help you identify the areas you should prioritize as you study. Then, you will develop a study plan to help guide you through the course content modules.
Additionally, you will complete checks for understanding and quizzes to help you engage with the content and practice taking items structured like those on your test. Finally, you take a practice assessment which is structured to reflect the actual certification test. It is important to note that you can take the practice assessment as many times as necessary to feel confident on your exam.
On Test Day
- Get plenty of sleep the night before the test
- Eat a healthy breakfast before your test appointment
- Arrive early to find parking and check in to the testing site
- Bring proper forms and identification
- Breathe, relax, and remain confident in your preparation
Passage Preparation™ Courses for Other TExES™ Exams
Passage Preparation™ offers courses to help you prepare for over 30 TExES™ teacher certification tests. These tests are rigorous, but our courses prepare you for success with in-depth content and multiple opportunities to practice responding to items structured like those on your TExES™ test. We are just as invested in your success as you are and, accordingly, our courses show it! Take a look at some of the courses and course bundles we offer for aspiring teachers in Texas below:
- TExES™ Elementary Education (EC-6) Bundle
- TExES™ Early Childhood PK-3 Bundle
- TExES™ Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
- TExES™ Business and Finance (276)
- TExES™ English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental (154)
- TExES™ Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (160)
- Science of Teaching Reading (293)
- And more!